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Dr Daniel Thorniley

President, DT-Global Business Consulting

DT-Global Business Consulting is Danny’s own consultancy company based in Vienna through which he works with selected key clients on business strategy in global markets and the CEEMEA region. The services he provides include written position papers, presentation slides and private client meetings as well as in-house presentations/webinars. He is also invited to make some 65 speeches/presentations/webinars by clients across the world on global business trends, business operations, emerging markets, HR issues, corporate best practice. Danny is also the founder of the CEE-Russia Business Group which is an active ongoing membership Group of more than 300 companies.

Sir John Major, the former British Prime Minister has called Danny “The world’s leading business expert on emerging markets”

For 23 years Danny was Senior VP at The Economist Group, Vienna on global corporate business trends.

Danny is regarded as a charismatic speaker who can present detailed business and economic analysis in an easily digestible fashion with a great deal of genuine humour. Danny is renowned for not using PowerPoint presentation slides — never. Dr Thorniley has also given guest presentations at Executive MBA courses on behalf of Oxford University, the University of Chicago, IESE (Spain) and the Central European University in Budapest. The executive MBA students at Chicago rated him “best speaker” on 12 occasions out of 12 over 5 years. Danny has exceptional skill sets in global business strategy, business in emerging markets and CEEMEA and hands-operational knowledge of business operations, distribution, partnerships, investments, and human resource issues.

He has worked on a personal basis with 330 companies operating in emerging markets for 30 years and has personal contacts with most senior western MNCs operating in the CEEMEA region and beyond. He makes frequent presentations at CEO and Board level (over 100). He has personal friendships with leading executives in Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Ernst & Young, Raiffeisen, Robert Bosch and many, many others.

He holds and has held a number of non-executive and advisory board memberships with major European and US corporations including the Global Advisory Board of the US company Aecom.

Dr Thorniley was educated at Oxford University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, a diploma, and a doctorate degree in Soviet political economy.

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