HR for Good: Inside Jobs for Humanity
Jobs for Humanity volunteer Jason Esterhuizen shares a bit more of the inner workings of the project ahead of their session in Las Vegas.
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UNLEASH America delegates - dare you miss this session? Jobs for Humanity promises to bring something a bit different to the Influencers stage this year.
11am on day two - join Roy Baladi and Jason Esterhuizen to find out more.
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UNLEASH editor Jon Kennard talks to Jason Esterhuizen about the vital work that Jobs for Humanity does serving under-represented groups, in a quest for a more equitable talent market.
Jon Kennard: We’re talking in advance of the session at UNLEASH America and also digging into the practicalities of Jobs for Humanity as a business and the work that you do. So, Jason, thanks so much for your time. First of all, can you can you tell me a bit about how you got involved with the project?
Jason Esterhuizen: Initially, I got introduced to Jobs for Humanity, when I was searching for a job. I’m totally blind, and finding a job in the market seems to be a challenge for many blind people. I got introduced to Roy, the founder of Jobs for Humanity and he started helping me out.
And then, eventually, I became a volunteer staff member of Jobs for Humanity, and I helped them out with their blind and visually impaired campaign, where I focus solely on giving my feedback and input on the inclusion by design of the website and how to better approach and source employers to help find jobs for the blind and visually impaired.
JK: This obviously is an incredibly inspiring project. I talked to him quite recently about how he came up with the idea and the genesis of the project, but how does it work? Tell me about the work that you do day to day with Jobs for Humanity.
JE: So the day to day job, for me at Jobs for Humanity is, like I said, just to help out the team as a whole. To make sure that everything we do on the platform is accessible.
For a visually impaired or blind person, making sure the website, every button that you can scroll over with your screen reader is labeled, the job listings have good descriptions to make sure that everyone approaching the platform is included, right from the start. That’s inclusion by design. So that is my key focus, to make sure that everything is accessible.
JK: Obviously Roy and everyone in the business focus on various key areas of people who might get left out ignored or missed by the ‘regular’ employment process and talent acquisition process. So what are the aspirations? Where do you want to take this next? This is obviously a much needed organization but what are the plans? What can you tell me about where things are going?
JE: The team as a whole are so diverse, and they are from every background imaginable. And the great thing about the team is most of the people leading the campaigns are actually [representative of] someone from that campaign.
So, for instance, we have single moms, we have refugees, we have returning citizens, we have neurodivergent team members, so everyone is solely focused on their campaign to give a real perspective of what a job seeker with a disability or from a disadvantaged community is, so that they can give their perspective firsthand to make this platform grow and actually be something very valuable to the community.
The goal is, at the end of the day, to get the people that are looked over into the spotlight to show that in these underserved or overlooked communities, there is talent everywhere. And if they’re just given the opportunity, or given a shot at an interview, they are valuable. They could fill a key role in any business out there.
JK: Absolutely. Without giving all of it away, or going too much into the session at UNLEASH America, I just wanted to finish off by asking you about how this session is going to run.
I know that Roy has some great plans for how it’s going to play out; lots of audience interaction, and probably a bit of a surprise for a lot of people who were there maybe expecting a regular session on talent acquisition. What can you tell us about the upcoming session at the show?
JE: We’re really excited to come and tell people about Jobs for Humanity; our mission, what we’re about, and to shed some light on how things can change in the blink of an eye and how our recruiters could possibly just reframe their thought pattern on interviewing persons from different backgrounds.
So yeah, I can’t really give anything away. I don’t want to give anything away. But we have a very exciting presentation. That’s going to be happening at UNLEASH for sure.
JK: I know a bit more than I’m letting on and I’m not gonna say anything, either. Jason, thank you so much for your time. Really looking forward to the event in a couple of weeks’ time. But between now and then, hope everything at Jobs for Humanity goes well, and I look forward to meeting you very, very soon. Thank you.
JE: Awesome. Thanks, Jon.
Discover amazing speakers from the world of HR and business at UNLEASH America on 26-27 April 2023.
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Jon has 20 years' experience in digital journalism and more than a decade in L&D and HR publishing.
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