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April 27th / 12:05 PM to 12:25 PM PDT

Using AI To Unlock the Value of Your People Investments, Improve Employee Wellbeing and Prove It

Product Spotlight
Solution Architect
Alight Solutions 
Vice President, Health Solutions
Alight Solutions 

No two organizations are alike—nor are the wellbeing needs of their employees. In this era of the employee, recruiting and retaining top talent depends on how an employer sets itself apart from the rest. According to recent research, more than one-in-three (35%) people say that employer wellbeing benefits and programs make the company more attractive to potential employees.

How can you be sure that you’re getting the right value from your wellbeing investments and capitalize on the programs you’re offering employees today? Join us for a live demo to see how using personalization and AI can gauge the efficacy of your HR programs, improve effectiveness and unlock value for your people and your business, guaranteed.

Solution Architect
Alight Solutions 
Vice President, Health Solutions
Alight Solutions