Living with our machines
Visionary speaker Gustavo Canton addresses the utility of AI while keeping the workforce their human best – here’s how to leverage a fast changing technology.
Why You Should Care
The HR tech breakout was packed on day one - if you couldn't make it to the session, we've got you with this speedy recap.
Look out for our digital pass - available to all those who missed out on the face to face event.
It may be early on day two but the mentions of AI are coming thick and fast in all quarters of CAESAR’S FORUM, and with good reason.
Much of the best of HR tech is powered by AI, and we can expect the landscape to change beyond recognition over the next few months. It’s an arms race for the visionaries, and sadly, bad actors too.
There is no such deliberation in this session. Our speaker Gustavo Canton urges us to do more than just improve. We need to exercise bold transformation, bold evolution even, as well as horizon scan to look at what corporate life in 2030 might be like.
As Canton asks when discussing how future AI-enabled teams are set up: ‘When you invest in AI, start with the people. What kind of people are you hiring, what teams do you need and what kind of roles do you need?”
He also offered actionable takeaways in the form of a prescription to prepare for the world of work in future, with 2030 the benchmark:
- Invest in AI to support your business and your workforce.
- Create leadership roles to align all of your resources under one umbrella (humans, robots, algorithms).
- Realize that more companies are entering the wellbeing/health sector.
- Create goals where humans are the priority and financials are the outcome.
- Be more human.
The message is clear: It’s no longer enough to be an interested passenger. The day has to be seized, because it’ll look very different next week.
And, if that all seems a bit daunting, treat it like a pilot project. Start small and iterate, capture continuous feedback, seek outside inspiration, be curious and don’t give up.
HR has taken the lead before and it can do so again. It’s time to make artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence.
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Jon has 20 years' experience in digital journalism and more than a decade in L&D and HR publishing.
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