The UNLEASH Editorial Team’s Top Interviews of 2024
As part of our retrospective on 2024, the UNLEASH Editorial team have chosen our favorite interviews with HR leaders from this year. By turns inspirational, informative and insightful, here are the top interviews from UNLEASH in 2024.
2024 In Focus
From flights to footwear, big tech to banking, HR is ubiquitous…and so are the UNLEASH Editorial team!
Our team have chosen their stand-out interviews with various HR leaders from a range of industries from the past 12 months.
Find out which interviews resonated with the UNLEASH Editorial team throughout 2024.
It’s been another busy year for the UNLEASH Editorial team, from covering the biggest breaking news stories from the world of HR to travelling across the globe to sitting down with numerous HR leaders for exclusive thought leadership interviews.
While they may all work in one HR function or another, each interviewee UNLEASH speaks to is unique – meaning each interview we publish has a different story to tell.
From building trust with other C-Suite executives, to putting in the time to improve inclusion, from investing in skills with the aim of improving performance to no-nonsense communication through the company, there are always more stories tell in HR.
As 2024 draws to a close, the Editorial team took some time out to reflect on the interviews that stood out to us over the past 12 months.
Nima Sherpa Green, Editor-in-Chief
Crocs’ CPO: ‘To get business buy-in, HR needs to spend time on the front line’
As an Editor-in-Chief, and someone who has been fortunate to interview many inspiring leaders, this conversation with Crocs’ Chief People Officer quickly became one of my favorites of 2024.
It wasn’t just the practical insights – it was the deeply relatable theme of confronting the fear of starting something new. In this case where to start on building a strategy on Gen AI for a sizeable company to both understand, and embrace.
We’ve all been there at the start of a challenge: the hesitation, the self-doubt. And for CPOs – the need to demonstrate ROI to a CEO. Shannon Sisler’s honesty about building trust with vendor partners and spending time on the front line also struck a chord.
It was a reminder that authenticity and rolling up your sleeves are often the best ways to overcome uncertainty and drive meaningful impact.
UNLEASH World 2024: Any Generation Has Biases: ‘We Have to Look in the Mirror at Ourselves’ to Lead Teams for Future Success
Also this year, I have had the pleasure to meet, and now interview, world-leading leadership expert Dr Kirstin Ferguson twice – in Las Vegas and in Paris.
For all journalists, our role is in sourcing and shaping context around thought leadership for our audiences. But in this interview, my own approach to leadership was influenced.
I absolutely loved Dr Kirstin’s gentle encouragement and challenge for us to consider our often ‘default’ settings, or thought cycles. In this video interview our discussion about generational biases and self-awareness was profoundly thought-provoking.
The idea that every generation carries biases, and that success depends on the courage to look in the mirror and address them, felt very relevant. It was a masterclass in humility and having a mindset where we’re not afraid to say: “Maybe I need to rethink that?” Or “Maybe those I interact with could benefit from me rethinking why I think that?”
I know I told my team that Dr Kirstin’s insights left me reflecting long after our interview ended, reminding me why these conversations are so essential to shaping the future of work.
Allie Nawrat, Chief Reporter
Google: ‘I promise you, you’re going to see returns’ on disability inclusion
Google is one of the world’s largest and best-known brands – who hasn’t used Google??
So, it was an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to take a look under the hood, and at its HR priorities with VP of Partnerships and Engagement at Google, Valeisha Butterfield.
It was fantastic to see that even in a challenging political environment for inclusion topics, Google is really leading the way, and moving the needle.
This piece shares some great tips around the business case for inclusion – a standout quote for me is “this work is hard, [but] so worth it”, and if you get it right, “I promise you, you’re going to see returns”.
This is a message not just for HR leaders, but wider leaders across organizations to step up, make a change, and ultimately, make a real difference both within your company, but across wider society.
Standard Chartered: ‘The people agenda is a strong enabler of the performance of the bank’
Standard Chartered’s CHRO (now Chief Strategy & Talent Officer) was my first high-profile HR leader interview at UNLEASH, back in June 2021. It was fantastic to have the chance to catch up with Tanuj Kapilashrami three years later in 2024, build on that relationship and conversation, and see the impressive progress the banking giant has made.
The 2024 interview focused on skills, a fundamental theme this year, and how Standard Chartered has leveraged technology to help the transition from jobs-first to skills-first for its 85,000 employees in 53 markets globally.
But the HR team has been busy beyond skills, ensuring that it leads the way on progressive benefits, because “people want to work for businesses that take a stand and stand for something”.
At the end of the day, if you can get psychological safety right it leads to higher performance, lower attrition and more engaged employees – that’s a win-win.
Lucy Buchholz, Senior Journalist
RyanAir’s CPO explains the business’ ‘no bullshit’ approach to communication
Anyone who’s seen Ryanair’s social media platforms will know that they have a tongue-in- cheek communication style – some, might even say sassy – which is why I was super excited to speak to Ryanair’s Darrell Hughes.
Through our conversation, I learnt that this playful style continued internally as a way to generate fun and curiosity, but it’s also carefully balanced by direct and open approach. This is something that Hughes feels particularly passionate about, as he urged other HR leaders to deliver “bad news as soon as possible.”
Personally, I found this honesty to be incredibly unique and inspiring – which in essence, is exactly what Ryanair set out to achieve.
PwC’s Future of Work Officer: Responsible AI will ‘redefine’ the work of leaders
We all know the future is coming – but knowing what it will hold, is a different story.
However, one thing’s for certain – businesses need to be resilient and open to change, to ensure they’re adapting to new trends and challenges, which is exactly why PwC appointed Michael Fenlon as its Chief Future of Work Officer.
When I sat down with Fenlon, one topic governed a large portion of the conversation: AI. This powerful tool has revolutionary capabilities, but to ensure it’s used positively and to the best of its ability, it needs to be utilized responsibly.
While explaining how HR teams can implement this, Fenlon was also able to give me a rare glimpse into the future which is why it resonated with me so much.
John Brazier, Senior Journalist
Aviva CPO: ‘Everyone understands that the business is its people’
Before joining UNLEASH, I covered the UK life and health insurance sector for the best part of three years, so I was already familiar with Aviva.
The difference was this time I got to hear about one of the UK’s oldest life insurance providers from a top-down view, rather than the product and service level.
I’d heard bits and pieces before about the culture of care at Aviva, but speaking to CPO Danielle Harmer offered a new level of insight into how that plays out across the 23,000-strong organization and just how Aviva effects change through its people function.
I’m well aware that attracting new talent is an issue for the industry, so hearing about how Harmer is focused on inclusion and “widening the doors” to offer more varied careers than many assume about insurance was fascinating.
Peter Lynch: Why authenticity is the bedrock of modern HR leadership
Before my first UNLEASH event in Las Vegas this year, I had the opportunity to connect to some of the event’s speakers in advance. My conversation with Cardinal Group Management’s CPO, Peter Lynch, stands out in the memory.
This was partly due to his refreshing level of candor when discussing what it means to be a truly authentic leader, and partly due to the way in which he frames his message.
As a journalist you aren’t often regaled with stories about the origins of Kintsugi or Belgian draft horses, but the learnings for HR leaders were clear to see when speaking to Lynch.
It was also great to see that same level of transparency and insight during his session at UNLEASH America. Besides, anyone who goes on stage to Testify by Rage Against The Machine is alright in my book.
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Senior Journalist
John Brazier is an experienced and award-winning B2B journalist and editor. Prior to joining UNLEASH, John both led and wrote for a number of global and domestic financial services publications, covering markets such as asset management, trading, insurance, fintech and personal finance.
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