When the job market changes, companies feverishly follow suit, and over the course of the last few years, the pace of change has been unstoppable. To survive, thrive and stay relevant, companies are feeling the pressure to recruit, retain and nurture new talent.
Many recruitment drives have been paused as a cautionary measure but that doesn’t mean that those people and skills are no longer required – far from it. Skills gaps are greater than ever, so alongside the need for reskilling and upskilling, organizations still need key hires to achieve their goals and meet the demands of stakeholders.
But how can you do this in the right way during these tricky times?
Watch this webinar to learn:
How Rolls Royce built an award-winning early careers program increasing diversity and growing skills.
How Carrier transformed their talent acquisition – creating a flexible and scalable delivery model.
What is driving the talent shortage and how outsourcing can help you win in a tough talent world.